The leading strategies in the climate justice movement already resemble the Cold War policies of containment, roll-back, and isolation. But can they wear down the political power of the fossil fuel industry?
Kicking the polluters out of the negotiations may sound like wishful thinking. But there is a precedent: the global effort to regulate the tobacco industry.
The movement to persuade schools to divest from fossil fuels has taken off around the country. Meet a few people who helped get Stanford鈥檚 money out of coal.
This story is part of the Climate in Our Hands collaboration between Truthout and YES! Magazine. As climate change progresses, access to fresh, healthy food is becoming a more critical
Key national unions are stepping up to support the People's Climate March on September 21. But some green radicals say unions need to create their own climate protection strategy that democratizes the energy sector.
Long years of drought in South Dakota have made it difficult for the soil to absorb water. A group led by indigenous women hopes to change that through a ambitious dam-building project.
As climate change makes it more difficult to practice agriculture in their ancestral homelands, indigenous communities are exchanging seeds in hopes of finding the hardiest varieties.
In 1885, a revolutionary leader wrote, "My people will sleep for one hundred years" and then wake up. In the "genocidal" wilderness of Canada's tar sands, that renaissance has begun.
From gated communities in outer space to graphs about who owns the wealth, two new films are giving Americans a window into the issue of income inequality
Having an energy-efficient home saves the owners money, but they often procrastinate on improvements. When energy companies in Kansas and Kentucky figured out a way to sweeten the deal, the results brought good news for homeowners, contractors, and for the planet.