
Why Science Can’t Be Silent: Solutions We Love

None of Texas’ Members of Congress Support Trump’s Wall

Why Science Can’t Be Silent: Solutions We Love


None of Texas’ Members of Congress Support Trump’s Wall

And 23 other facts you should probably know.

Feb 20, 2017

Number of citizens China’s economic growth lifted from poverty between 1978 and 2014: 800 million 1

Number of Chinese citizens who die from air pollution each year: 1.6 million 2

Percentage of Chinese citizens willing to trade a better economy for cleaner air: 50 3

Percentage of Americans born in 1940 who earned more than their parents by age 30: 92 4

Of those born in 1985: 50

Percentage increase in median income of male workers between 1940 and 1970: 141 5

Of male workers between 1985 and 2015: 37

Number of New York City police officers in 2016: 35,800 6

Number of officers wearing body cameras in 2016 after a federal judge ordered them to do so in 2013: 0

Percentage of food that goes uneaten in the U.S.: 40 7

Monetary equivalent of a year’s worth of wasted food: $165 billion

Number of people who could be fed each year by reducing food waste by 15 percent: 25 million

Average number of military veterans who died from suicide each day in 2014: 20 8

Percentage of those veterans who used Department of Veterans Affairs services: 30

Percentage of veterans who reported getting care as soon as needed: 50 9

Percentage increase of business tax rate imposed in December on Portland, Oregon, companies that paid their CEOs at least 100 times more than their average workers: 10 10

Estimated amount of new annual revenue that surtax is expected to generate: $2.5 million

Amount of tax revenue generated by recreational cannabis sales in Oregon from January through November 2016: $54.5 million 11

U.S. deaths that occurred from 1980 to 2014: 80.4 million 12

Number of those deaths that were assigned “garbage codes,” vague terms that don’t indicate a specific cause: 19.4 million

Miles of the 1,954-mile border with Mexico that are in Texas (the state with the most): 1,254

Number of lawmakers Texas sends to Congress: 38

Number of them who are Republican: 25

Number on record in December supporting Trump’s border wall proposal: 0 13
















Olivia Anderson
Olivia Anderson is a former editorial intern for YES!

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