We represent nonpartisan, independent journalism. Even in the darkest times, you can depend on us to report on solutions that can heal the planet and improve the lives of the many.
To protect vital wetlands, the Ojibwe tribe and local scientists and activists pressured industry to abandon plans for what would have harmed thousands of species of plants and animals.
In an industry usually focused on medicine and procedures, a Philadelphia-area hospital decided what its patients needed was a farm and advice about food.
In a moment like this, direct action needs to call attention to a moral crisis that demands intervention, much like what we're seeing at Standing Rock.
Although the governor cites the rule of law in his eviction order, the Sioux have this: the Constitution鈥檚 Article 6, declaring 鈥渢reaties as the Supreme Law of the Land.鈥
The apparel and textile industry is one of the world鈥檚 biggest polluters. But can consumers shape a greener fashion industry with our shopping choices?
North Dakota is stretched thin in its battle to protect the Dakota Access pipeline construction: Costs are nearing $15 million, and police reinforcements are diminishing.